My personal portfolio website, built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript.
My personal portfolio website, built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript.
Tech Stack :
Portfolio Website
This is my personal portfolio website built with modern web technologies. It showcases my projects, skills, and experience while serving as a platform to share my work with others.
Tech Stack
The project is built using a modern tech stack with the following key technologies:
- Next.js 15 - React framework with App Router
- React 19 - UI library
- TypeScript - Type-safe JavaScript
- Tailwind CSS - Utility-first CSS framework
- tRPC - End-to-end typesafe APIs
- Turborepo - High-performance build system
- Drizzle - TypeScript ORM
Key Features
1. Monorepo Structure
The project uses a monorepo structure powered by Turborepo, organizing code into:
2. UI Components
The UI is built using a custom component library based on shadcn/ui, providing:
- Dark/Light theme support
- Responsive design
- Reusable components
- Tailwind CSS styling
3. Performance
The website is optimized for performance with:
- Server-side rendering
- Image optimization
- Code splitting
- Edge runtime support
To run this project locally:
The website is deployed on Vercel with:
- Automatic deployments
- Edge functions
- Analytics and Speed Insights
- Sentry error tracking